Curlew, New York’s literary and photo journal, publishes poetry, fiction, and creative non-fiction, which includes nearly all forms of reporting and journalism. Launched in August of 2017, our printed journal and online Curlew Daily celebrate the lives, homes, and work of poets, writers, and distinct professionals living in New York, NY.
The most comprehensive description of the journal’s genesis and intent can be read in the Prospectus for Issue No. 3 - Winter 2017-18, which reflects upon our inability to ever understand what New York City is, yet nonetheless, celebrates the importance of remaining open, curious, and engaged about how to create a city that’s more equal, inclusive, and enjoyable for its people.
While the effects of urbanization and gentrification are easy to understand and consider in the abstract, Curlew Quarterly’s intent rests with engaging in close and critical conversations with poets, writers, and distinct professionals who have made this city home. These close and critical conversations are paired with the contributors’ work, along with intimate portraits and photography of their living or work spaces.
We believe academic theorizing and examination of the effects of urbanization and gentrification ––– no matter how interesting ––– are bound to fall flat unless our readers actually have a sense of the poets, writers, and professionals who are offering their ideas and voices to our pages. Thus, we ask questions: who are they; where do they live; how do they spend their days and nights; what do they think about and care about the most; what keeps them up at night; and if they wake up early in the mornings, then why?
With these ideas in mind, we take the time to meet with our contributors in physical spaces within this city –––– their homes or work spaces, or coffee shops, or park benches –––– that have deep personal meaning, so that the physicality of the city can blend with and create reflections of the voices and stories that we create space for.
Overtime, we think we can create writing residences in New York, New York –––– places where poets and writers can live for free over a number of years while they create their masterpieces. We believe this is imperative. We believe we’re uniquely situated for making these writing residences a reality. And perhaps, quite soon.