August 16, 2024 - “The City Woos You Back” by Betsy Guttmacher

Beloved city I have been unfaithful

I fell in love with creeks rail trails Rosa rugosa

dipped my feet in the mineral cold of the Rio Grande

strapped on snowshoes in backcountry but all this beauty

was never mine not the way you belong to me

and I to you

Countless times my heart said done

My heart said abandon run

you with your sidewalk sparrows eating chicken wings

how can you do this force us to gnaw our own kin

in broad daylight I made plans

bucolic plans out-buildings and a meadow

Still I drag garbage to curb toss other people’s dog shit bags

my car street cleaning the purgatory

later I walk the entire length of Vanderbilt Avenue

high from wine and women friends the magic hour

orange light bounces off red brick Brooklyn

off the leafy view from a venetian verandah

Impossible buildings dragged from all over the world

reassembled all of us tucked in never alone

again you give this walk this moment a life

its Wonder Wheel its density and mirrors

forgive me when I forget to look or can’t bear to

Tonight autumn crisps each street light

bellies full dodge weave hipitty hop every face a smile

everywhere hands are touching and you beloved city

fingers entwine with mine we walk

we whisper lip to ear lovers again

Betsy Guttmacher is a Reiki practitioner based in Brooklyn, NY USA who works privately with individuals, and in community and medical settings. Her creative and healing work centers relationships - to ourselves, each other and our planet. She is a member of the Sweet Action Poetry collective and a contributor to three of its chapbooks. Her poems can be found in the forthcoming Bullshit Lit 2024 Anthology, Bowery Gothic, the Brooklyn Poets Anthology, and the Bridge


August 18, 2024 - “There is always a moment”


August 15, 2024 - “Untitled” by Masha Vasilieva