December 1, 2021 - A marathon of emotions

The city is inexhaustible, but those who live there can be exhausted. And that’s what makes someone a New Yorker: their level of inexhaustibility –––– how many more just one more things they can bear. New York is easy to fall in love with because it promises so much, and because it delivers on those promises so faithfully ––– but only after so long. And by long, I do not mean a great amount of time.

Even when one finds all that she hoped to find from living in the city very early on –––- say within the first few months –––– still, it will have been a long road to get there, a marathon of emotions. You cannot run the whole race in one breath. Try, and the city will leave you, hands on your knees and panting heavily at the edge of the Jersey side of the Holland Tunnel, waiting for a light within your soul to heal and turn green. Just rest, so that you may go at it again.


December 2, 2021 - Henry Street sounded like an alarm clock


November 30, 2021