Monday - September 21, 2020 - The Definitive & On-going list of New York’s Streets named after Fruits,Vegetables, Plants, & Trees.

Beginning with the fruits, Brooklyn Heights, which in 1965 was New York’s first neighborhood to be dedicated as a Historic District, is home to the city’s Fruit Street Sitting Area.

Overlooking the East River and situated between Columbia Heights and the Brooklyn Heights Promenade, the Fruit Street Sitting Area’s name is a natural extension of the streets that extend from the other side of Columbia Heights and stretch from the east to the west: Cranberry, Pineapple, Orange, and Willow.

Willow, of course, rather than a fruit, is a type of tree. By history’s account, the willow tree was the favorite of Lady Middagh, who lived one block north of Cranberry on a street that’s now known as Middagh Street, and who in the earliest breaths of the Twentieth Century made certain that these four streets held their fruit and tree inspired names. Our list is on-going.


Tuesday - September 22, 2020 - New York Bridges & Views - No. 1.


Sunday - September 20, 2020 - From our poetry archives: Julia Knobloch - “Dispatch from Buenos Aires: Sur/South” - Issue No. 6 - Winter 2018-19.