April 5, 2021 - The view from the Williamsburg Bridge: One Vanderbilt.
I knew it was one of those buildings, a facade tall enough and wide enough to contribute a new verse to the Manhattan Skyline sonata. Yet it wasn’t until tonight ––– a few hours ago, as I was crossing from Brooklyn into Manhattan by way of the Williamsburg Bridge that I noticed One Vanderbilt’s presence in the island’s night sky. I wasn’t looking for it; it just appeared. In the same way that 432 Park must have just appeared one day when I was on a train or a bicycle and crossing the Manhattan or Williamsburg Bridge and glancing over at Manhattan years ago, One Vanderbilt just appeared in the same way this evening. It’s so close to the Chrysler building. The Twentieth and Twenty-first centuries nestled and perched above the city together side-by-side.