April 6, 2022

AWP 2022: A New Beginning for Writers, Again
- Rahil Najafabadi

Last month, I was lucky to participate in AWP 22, that was held in Philadelphia, PA. Each year, the Association of Writers and Writer’s programs holds a conference in a different city, where writers, editors, students and faculty unite to celebrate their field. Many panels are held and a graceful book fair ramps up the excitement.

As a poet, I felt quite strange on my way to Philly. To be clearer, I was quite discouraged with my work before leaving. Amid a writer’s (poet’s) block, I wasn’t sure my work informed my identity, or vice versa. I felt confused with how I defined myself, as a poet. As a Persian born poet writing Persian poetry in English. But something changed once I was there; I was in the right place, really.

Being among writers always gives me hope. I’m very young, and therefore many crossroads present themselves to me. It wasn’t until the last day of the conference that I felt confident about pursuing the craft of poetry. I attended a panel about American Sonnets—a poetry form I’m most fluent in writing and reading. I gained a lot of insight, but also a lot of encouragement. I met many poets I admired from states and miles away, and had the chance to see people who cared about a genre, a form, a style I cared for, which is quite profound.

This is why poetry readings are necessary. This is why it is important to be back, to be present, to attend readings in person.


April 8, 2022


April 5, 2022