Forthcoming: Curlew Friday Nights

For better or for worse, this photo and literary journal, Curlew, which we founded almost five years ago, is a lot like the city that it calls home: never finished, always reinventing itself, and forever staying in motion. While we have enjoyed the excitement and the creative pressures of offering a Curlew Daily piece for every single day of the week, with the launch of Issue No. 9, we’ve realized that a lot of the efforts that we’ve spent creating the daily entires could be directed toward highlighting the newest issue, planning the next issue, and further-developing the newest facet of the Curlew journey, Curlew’s Professional Copywriting Services (“Curlew PCS”). More details about the Curlew PCS venture can be found through our weekly log, forthcoming, which will share the same name, where we’ll write about tools, reflections, and insights about content marketing, copywriting, and more.

As for the literary journal, we have not given up on offering stellar poems, photographs, stories, reflections, and illustrations in between issues of the printed journal, but instead of daily posts, each week we will offer Curlew Friday Nights, posts from our regular and guests contributors, including but not limited to the work of Elizabeth Lerman, Tori Ashley Matos, and Rahil Najafabadi, as well as photographers including Nic Anselmo, Rene Chandler, and many more. These will be more in-depth meditations & creative works: compilations of poems, rather than just one poem; a short story, rather than a few lines of flash fiction; a series of photographs and/or illustrations, rather than just one image.

Why Friday nights? We like to think there’s no better time or day of the week to enjoy creative work than those few hours from 5pm until 11:59pm on Fridays, when the city’s sprint pauses for a few strides as the weekend approaches. Night falls and collectively, we put another week into the record books, glancing with hope and peace toward the weekend.

Life may not always be easier on Saturday mornings than it is on Friday afternoons, but at least the end of a week creates that possibility, and brings forth a bit of hope and peace as this city, as well as its people, continue to reinvent ourselves and find new ways to enjoy our lives. If nothing else, then we hope the Curlew Friday Nights can help add to those reinventions and that enjoyment each week. The first one will be up on Friday, May Sixth, 2022.

All of our best,
Curlew New York


Rahil Najafabadi’s “The Bridge”


April 17, 2022