Friday, August 14th, 2020 - Postcards from New York.

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Hello, Hello! Here’s what happened at dusk. I stood at the corner of West 66th and Amsterdam Avenue and walked into the middle of the street. You can do that now. You can stand in the middle of the street; in the middle of these giant avenues and take photographs now. You could do that before but you didn’t have as much time. You definitely couldn’t do that before during rush hour. We used to have rush hour. We have rush hour now but only kind of. The traffic isn’t bumper to bumper at rush hour. I’ve driven around the city only a couple of times since March. The traffic is almost welcome; it means our city is alive. Some people say our city is finished; that we won’t recover this time. I find this hard to believe. The people who root, quietly, for the demise of New York City forget that the city isn’t just an idea. It’s an actual place. People live here; people have lived here. People are living here.


Saturday - August 15th, 2020 - “The Actor’s Instrument” - Edward Dwight Easty - Part I.


Thursday, August 13th, 2020 - The Memorandum: Chief Administrative Judge Lawrence K. Marks’ memo offers temporary relief for tenants, and clarity for landlords.