Friday - September 4, 2020 - Postcards from New York - Traffic along Varick as well as Tenth Avenue - “[Horn honking] Drive Around!”

Traffic for the first time in a long time; not gridlocked, but a marker of what was. Two streets mainly: Varick at around four in the afternoon, heading south toward the Holland Tunnel; as well as Tenth Avenue, around six in the evening, heading north toward the Lincoln Tunnel.

At Varick and King: one man in a white t-shirt, sunglasses, and black leather gloves drives a burgundy Chevy Trailblazer and lays on his horn. He’s heading east on King and wants to cross Varick; yet, as the box is partially blocked by vehicles heading south on Varick, the driver of the car in front of him is hesitant, uncertain, and doesn’t know what to do.

The Trailblazer’s driver offers his advice; as in between two or three bouts of honking his horn, he cries out: “Drive around!” [horn honking] “Drive around!” [horn honking] “Drive around!” –––– his best impression of House of Pain.


Saturday - September 5, 2020 - From our poetry archives: “Linens” - Liz Adams - Issue No. 4 - Summer 2018.


Thursday - September 3, 2020 -Heard on West 48th Street (Between Eighth Avenue and Broadway).