January 20, 2023 - “wearing your maroon sweater / you’d ask me about home”

In the spring we’d drink orange juice & vodka
on your fire escape / wearing your maroon sweater
you’d ask me about home . . .  Milwaukee I’d say:
we watched the Bucks on Saturday nights
in high school; Ray Allen’s Bucks, like ‘01-02.
Some nights, when we were both feeling bold,
heavy with wine, we’d climb up to the roof
and just stand there for a while. Please remember:
if you ever asked me anything, I always tried my best
& if I ever had a response, it wasn’t what I meant to say


January 21, 2023 - “All the People” by Rahil Najafabadi


January 19, 2023 - “The road is dark and she is still going too fast” by Elizabeth Lerman