May 23, 2021 - Gold

Gold sounds. Gold winter. Gold moments. Gold autumn.
Gold dusk. Gold like that summer we spent in Milwaukee,
running early in the mornings then going back to sleep mid-day.
Gold like almost yellow, gold like something to adorn around
a diamond. Gold like the bracelet around your left wrist, gold
like the morning light falling into our window after you open
the curtains and put on the kettle. Gold coins. Gold wishes.
Gold medals for saying whatever words are the most true
at the time; even if they’re lines, those lines are gold. Gold
foil around the neck of the champagne bottle. Gold metaphors
for the years long gone. Gold silence for the breath breathing
with the heart. Silence is gold. Gold silence, in gold, in gold.


May 24, 2021 - At night


May 22, 2021