Monday, January 4, 2021 - The greatest distraction of all on the Island of Manhattan is the grid . . .

The greatest distraction of all on the Island of Manhattan is the grid, which was first thrusted upon its landscape in March of 1811. Its desire for order; its plea for direction; and its demand for attention are too easily overlooked, and excused. West Seventy-Fourth Street is distinguished from West Fourteenth Street in name only. And the difference between the avenues of First and Eleventh rely upon the imposition of historical fictions. While walking the island, whether utilizing a compass and relying upon cardinal directions or not, do not allow these street names and numbers to assail you with their specious characterizations of the cityscapes that you sail through, around, and about. Lest all of the city’s magic, disappear.


Tuesday, January 5, 2021 - Grapes & satin bouquets of wishing dreams / foreign resorts with pillows sleeping through woven sunlight.


Sunday, January 3, 2021 - Reflections in snow light: a yellow cab drives up Tenth Avenue, then vanishes. From 12.17.20.