November 10, 2023 - Elizabeth Lerman’s “My body will come back to me”

In my mind it feels like I am moving through molasses, like there is a clear wall of jello wherever I want to walk, or like I am underwater and trying very hard to run. There are moments in my sleep where I move so slow it makes my skin crawl. Everyone else speeds by and it feels like I am stuck inside myself, like I need to burst open all the way and start over because my legs are dragging, everything is dragging, my limbs are too heavy and when I try to get somewhere it doesn’t work and I am always trying, always failing, always stuck somewhere I don’t want to be while the right place is right in front of me and if I could just get there, I think, things will change, I’ll be safe, maybe, and my body will come back to me.


November 11, 2023 - Passenger Seat: part one


November 9, 2023