Saturday - August 29, 2020 - From our poetry archives: "Bobby Wiley” - Tom Davidson.

Continued from yesterday’s daily, which featured Tom Davidson’s poem, “Darius Azmeh-Volpato,” we present the companion persona poem from the author, “Bobby Wiley,” both appearing within Issue No. 3 - Winter - 2017-18.

We love the image of “robins / jerking around on the branches,” and join with the author, as well as with Bobby Wiley, in “say[ing] goodbye to bad shit happening.”

All of our best,
Curlew Quarterly



The baseball junkie next door stinks like grease.
Looks like he’s about to croak. He ain’t clean.


Been spick and span for six years.
Back then I said goodbye to hocking junk
& bombing liquor. Goodbye

to stealing azaleas and axles, to stockpiling turpentine,
to stewing in the gutter, to holy beaters,
and the street demon peddlers.

I said goodbye to bad shit happening.

That’s when I was transferred to this building,
took one of the only single units left.
From my window I can see robins
jerking around on the branches.

I’d probably kill myself if I was a robin.
Turning up leaves all day to find
nothing. Free as a bird they say, but that’s not
any kind of freedom I want to partake in.

Freedom is a CLEAN mind, a CLEAN body.
And it takes mental focus.

It takes all you’ve got.


Sunday - August 30, 2020 - Sunday flash fiction: Before the party.


Friday - August 28, 2020 - From our poetry archives: “Darius Azmeh-Volpato” - Tom Davidson.