Saturday, November 28, 2020 - Sixth Avenue & West Forty-Eighth Street.

Once it was possible to believe in differences between distance and time. Now the truth is more evident. These changes, they’re inevitable. The island of Manhattan is a composite of emotional experiences –––– those that have already occurred are con…

Once it was possible to believe in differences between distance and time. Now the truth is more evident. These changes, they’re inevitable. The island of Manhattan is a composite of emotional experiences –––– those that have already occurred are constantly blending with those that will. The fallacy is the inclination to believe that a separate line may be drawn between these timelines. It can’t.

The new pace of 2020 has illuminated these differences, and has brought truths to light that were once almost impossible to detect, though they were there all the same. These truths’ gradual revelation have been accelerated this year, which is impacting the island of Manhattan’s ability to hold vibrations and create experiences that were once frequent and common place.

This photo was taken at Sixth Avenue and West Forty-eighth Street. You may or may not be able to notice the changes. Though if you were here in person, and standing beneath these giant buildings, and looking out across the distance in a quiet and meditative state for long enough, they’d be obvious. You couldn’t miss them.


Sunday, November 29, 2020 - Box of Moonlight (1996).


Friday, November 27, 2020 - City facades: Brooklyn Heights - Hicks & Clark.