Thursday, November 12, 2020 - As Governor Cuomo sends New Yorkers to bed early, Anthony Fauci insists: we shall not rest.
This is what you do when cases start spiking; per the Governor’s orders: no bars, restaurants or gyms past 10:00pm.
Two saving graces haven’t arrived just yet, but they’re close: (1) a vaccine; and (2) a new president and vice president come January 20th, 2021.
Even if there are doubts as to whether Governor Cuomo should be sending New Yorkers to bed early, this much remains clear: Anthony Fauci is insisting, we shall not rest:
"Ever since it became clear a few days ago that we have a really quite effective vaccine getting ready to deploy, [the message] is rather than 'Hey don't worry you're OK,' it's 'Don't stop shooting, the cavalry is coming but don't put your weapons down, you better keep fighting because they're not here yet,' " Fauci said.
The Hill
Peter Sullivan
“Fauci: Coronavirus won't be a pandemic
for 'a lot longer' thanks to vaccines”
November 12th, 2020