Tuesday - August 18, 2020 - City Facades! - Hudson and Charlton (with a special guest appearance by Paolo Nutini).


In a city where millions of people, literally, wear masks; the facades of buildings speak more loudly than ever before. One could describe certain streets and avenues as vacant, empty, or deserted, yet this is only true when no-vacancy, full, or crowded refers to the presence of the physical human beings who stand on, and walk over and across these streets and avenues.

Even without the physical presence of a teeming population that adds their collective breath and voices to the spaces at the foot of these facades, there is still life here: the life of all that has already happened in these spaces, and the life of all that ever will happen over and across these spaces –––– the life of the imagination.

How can anyone measure the population density of an emotion, a memory, or an idea?


Wednesday, August 19, 2020 - One rainy morning walk toward the Jolly Goat.


Monday, August 17, 2020 - Hoyt Street / Carroll - Mira Fisher