Sunday, September 13, 2020 - Opening day - West 55th Street, between 8th Avenue and Broadway.

On a sleepy and cloudy Sunday morning along West Fifty-fifth Street just east of Eighth Avenue, four men and one woman gather: two of the men in black and almost matching New York Jets t-shirts, one in a white Miami Dolphins long-sleeve T (the sleeves pushed up onto his biceps), the fourth in a teamless black t-shirt with white horizontal stripes. The woman wears a Rob Gronkowski jersey —- New England (87). Gronk’s retired, so she says she has to buy a new one, soon. They’re in their late twenties or early thirties. Three Monkeys, on West Fifty-fourth, is suggested as a place to sit outside and watch the games. There’s talk of fantasy football: picking up players off of waivers and the different rules between leagues. No one’s in a hurry; they linger for a while ——- (almost noon) an hour till kickoff / they head west.


Monday - September 14, 2020 - City facades: Hudson Street (Between Laight & Hubert).


Saturday - September 12, 2020 - Jessica A. Krug’s resignation: “Don’t just talk about it, be about it.”