February 8, 2021 - There are men who stand inside of steel castles in and around Manhattan.
There are men who stand inside of steel castles in and around Manhattan. These castles are adorned with snacks –––– candy, gum, mints, and cough drops; as well as reading material –––– magazines, newspapers, and small books of crossword puzzles. Beside these adornments, often, these castles also display and offer beverages, which are stored in refrigerators with see-through glass doors. These doors are see through so that those who patronize these steel castles may determine the beverage selections available, without having to inquire with the men tasked with standing inside of these steel castles.
Though standing is far from all that the men who work inside of these steel castles do. They also hold rank ––– observing and monitoring the mood and feel of the expanses of city life just outside of and beyond their steel castles. And also, when events and circumstances require, they pull rank –––taking steps to assure their own safety, and also taking measures to protect and preserve the economic viability of these castles.
From within these steel castles, the eyes of the men who stand within them may always look out upon and across the sidewalks and pavilions before them. In this way, they can be ––– though they are not always, a constant set of eyes and ears upon the sidewalks and the streets of this city. If you have been in Manhattan at all –––– and ever before, then you have seen these steel castles.