Monday, October 19, 2020 - Eleven notes.
The fountain is still on in Washington Square Park.
There’s a new bike lane up Sixth Avenue. It’s been repainted north of Thirty-fourth Street.
Third Avenue’s newly-repaved.
People are sitting down in restaurants and eating inside again.
Two bands, one playing rock and the other playing jazz were performing in Tompkins Square Park yesterday. They were just far enough away from each other that their separate sounds didn’t blend together; but they were close.
I spent an hour last night watching CNN’s Election Night coverage from 2000 for nostalgia’s sake: “Breaking News: Presidential race too close to call.” Florida was called for Gore way too early. I forgot all about Ralph Nader.
Broadway, between Twenty-third Street and Union Square is blocked off for pedestrian traffic, and has been for months now.
Broadway theaters announced last week that they’ll remain closed until next May; what’s another seven months.
The roaring twenties; and everything still remains possible.
Two weeks from tomorrow ––––– pins and needles.
To do list: vote; Biden and Harris.