Tuesday, October 20, 2020 - “Brooklyn Smells like a forest today” - Elizabeth Lerman
Brooklyn smells like a forest today.
The rain has latched onto the leaves, erupting
in a wet green that reminds me of softer places.
At night it is sometimes so quiet it shocks me and
when I am outside by myself on a warm, dark evening like this
and I can hear the wind and the crickets, the crackling embers
of my cigarette and the familiar crowing of the cicadas,
I sit back and smile at all the sweet signs of summer.
- August 20th, 2020
Elizabeth Lerman is a creative writer based in New York City. A graduate from the University of Vermont, where she earned her B.A in Film Studies and English Literature, Elizabeth is passionate about forging strong female voices and diverse narratives. In her writing she focuses on the significance of small moments and the space they hold in both her thoughts and those of her characters. Elizabeth currently lives in Brooklyn where she is working, slowly but surely, on her first novel.